Richard's Corner
February 2, 2018
Hello 1,924 TAC Tigers!
Happy Days to you all this seventh year of our scholarship program! Below I introduce this year’s campaign!
As many of you know, the Tiger Alumni Center members have been very generous every year of the past six years -- raising a total of $71,000 for 71 scholarships! Both of your last two years, you donated $20,000 for twenty scholarships and for each of the two years before that, you TAC donors raised $10,000! Mr. Simpson, principal at the time, got us started in 2012. That year and the next, we raised enough to award four (2012) and seven (2013) scholarships.
Mr. Simpson Got Us Started
Don’t ya know? It was Chris Simpson, then ERHS Principal and now Assistant Superintendent of Schools for RCCU1, who got the scholarship program started in 2012.
He offered to let you TAC members mail your donations to him at ERHS. I immediately agreed! You see, my first reaction was triggered by a childhood dread of math and being responsible for other people’s money. That’s another story for which I could write a book but will offer two samples.
My Youthful Mistakes
Carhop with no money. First, in a early job, I worked at a root beer stand as a “carhop.” Other carhops would make the payment transactions at the driver’s window. Not me: I carried the customer’s money back to the stand where a manager inside did that for me. I just returned any change.
Newspaper Boy Collections. When I was in junior high, I got a job delivering papers for the Olney Daily Mail. I was okay with delivery but lousy at house-door collections. I’ll always remember Mr. Forrest Bunting, my manager. All we paper boys in turn reported to him to account for the payments we had collected. After a few times when it took me, with his help, “forever” to get the accounts somewhat correct, he decided to see me last. Then he’d work through each transaction! Both of us were miserable at the end. We both soon decided I could be good at some other job, someplace else!
Mr. Simpson’s Creditability
Anyway, one good thing about those years when TAC members sent their donations directly to the school was, in short, the credibility. Mr. Simpson got emails from donors who were checking on the situation before mailing the check. TAC members, all of the few hundred we had back then, trusted a plan with the school collecting the checks. Thanks Mr. Simpson.
Every Dollar Goes to the Scholarships!
To Donate!
Please Mail Checks to
Janet Everette, Treasurer, TPAA
906 East Cherry Street
Olney, IL. 62450
Please make your check out to Tiger Pride Alumni Association
Remember: the Tiger Pride Alumni Association, Ltd., is a charitable, tax-exempt, 501(c)3 organization.
Janet will mail you a statement acknowledging your donation. To do that she needs your help. Please be sure she knows the donor's name(s), the return mail address, and any special requests. Some donors request anonymity. Some want their gift to include an honor of someone special, when posted on TAC. Some want to includea challenge to classmates.
Donors List:
As stated in previous years, we like to publish your name on our donors' list but will use “Anonymous” if you request it. I do hope you will permit us to post your name. We have good evidence that suggest naming names helps increase donations. Thanks!
Click Here: Current Totals:
To see the current list of current contributors
The Tiger Pride Alumni Association - TAC Scholarship recipients are selected by the Richland County High School Senior Awards Committee. Scholarships are awarded to deserving graduating seniors at Richland County High School based on the following criteria.
1) Students in good academic standing and at least a 'B' average.
2) Students that have demonstrated the Core Expectations of RCHS Students of Respect, Responsibility and Work Ethic.
3) Financial need of the student is considered in the selection, but it is not the sole criterion.
Note about the above process: None of those who will be a recipient knows of being selected until hearing her or his name announced during the ceremony on Senior Awards night. Nor do the TAC - TPAA directors. It's a secret. We have no part of the selection.
Here we go, TAC Tigers! Want to be happy? Let the donations begin! Let's help help some students have a chance for a better future!
Happy Days!
November 7, 2017
Greeting 1,898 Tiger Alumni!
Another Blast related to the Last Saturday in September!
Tick,Tock - Tick,Tock - Tick,Tock
Time doesn’t jump, skip, or fly; it unfolds. I say that after thinking of all the advances the volunteers of Tiger Alumni Center (TAC) and Tiger Alumni Association (TPAA) have produced. In my last blast to you members, I wrote that I started TAC in September in 2010. I knew I wanted to gather a team to administer the goals of TAC. Now, seven years later I can be very happy.
Tom and Frank
I enjoy the service of excellent volunteers, all those serving currently and those in the past – all 22 of them. I was so lucky that Tom Weber and Frank Wagner offered legal services. This fellowship of leaders didn’t just happen; it unfolded. They all wanted to help our current students and alumni. I just happen along at the right time.
LSS 2017
Last Saturday in September, 2017 (LSS). Want to feel good? Read this list.
- Took the first step in the creation of “Tiger Pride Cares,” a program to provide help for students in need.
- Moved to add more members on the TPAA board -- and within weeks welcoming both Mandy Houchin, Class of 1997 and RCCU1 teacher and 1997 ERHS graduate, and Glenda Hinkle, class of 1982.
- Moved to accept the following officers for TPAA: Lisa Hough Hemrich (1990), President; Brenda Stallard (WRHS 1988), Vice President; Janet McKinney Everette (1977), Treasurer; and Amy Rusk (2004), Secretary.
- In progress before this past “LSS” was the orientation of Nancy O’Connell, Class of 1975 as Veterans Director for TAC.
TPAA Develping Care Program
Tiger Pride Cares
We have begun to work on a program to help students, called "Tiger Pride Cares."
Tiger Pride Alumni Association Secretary Amy Rusk surveyed all school district employees asking what their students needed. Forty-one responded with comments -- clearly showing they have students with many needs. The ‘list’ included helping students who come to school dirty, hungry, needing new glasses and/or shoes and without school supplies. A few have no permanent housing. In deed, whatever you can think a youth might need, yes, there are kids with that need.
Needs Our Help
The teachers need help. Too many of their students need help. I read the list and felt overwhelmed. They sit in every class and in all grades. Currently the TPAA board members are sharing ideas about developing a service plan. We are hopeful that we can help our kids. At least start to do so. I know we don't have near the budget to help many. But we will begin as soon as possible to help as many as we can. I'll share updates as we develop our program. Currently we are not ready to accept donations. But we will within a few months.
Stop Action -- A Sense of Freezing Time, To Reflect
Nine TPAA Directors Now
At the above summarized board meeting, we moved to add more directors to the board. Our Bylaws allow us to have 11; adding Mandy Houchin and Glenda Hinkle obviously puts the current number at nine. Given our mission to serve our school those additional members will help us progress in program development by having more “Do’ers.” Thinking for a moment only about the Tiger Pride Cares introduced above, these ladies -- the first, a RCMS teacher and the second, a nurse -- bring valuable talents to related tasks.
Nancy McCall O'Connell
New TAC Veterans Director
I have introduced Nancy McCall O'Connell, Class of 1975, in an earlier blast to you members. She fills an important position that has been empty for years. We are picky here at TAC and TPAA. We offer no money and demand excellent service. We demand an excellent service record in the area of the position and we demand a joyful spirit about our school. That’s Nancy! I welcome her with joy! See her profile for current information. Link: Nancy
Taking time to watch the sun set - time together!
Happy Days!
See what I mean? We keep unfolding. Sometimes something seems to just happen. I send out a blast and you read an introduction. An achievement! If you knew all of the efforts of all the volunteers and mine -- the research, the conferences with people who can help, the reunion presentations, thousands of emails, “baby steps,” missteps, and, yes, even unexplainable ‘gifts,’ then you would have an idea about how my days and weeks pass.
Nothing seems to be happening. I keep working the work, keeping positive, but not forcing “the desired result.” Then one day, it unfolds. A good Boy Scout would say that you “Plan your work and work your plan.” But you do so, as if gaming. Being a good sport!
Barb and Richard -- Having Fun!
Can’t take yourself too seriously. Maybe it would be like playing a dozen chess games at once. Move a piece and change to another board, check out the scene, decide, and move a piece. Over and over, month after month. Then Garry or Amy or Lisa sends an email: “Got a volunteer for you.”
Yes, that makes for happy days! ("You break into your happy dance!")
Happy Autumn!
Did you know that TPAA can accept gifts up to $250,000? Yes, we can! Will it happen? Not likely, but . . . Well, it will not happen if we don’t prepare for the possibility. We can plan and it still may not happen. If you are me, you have to be positive. So behind the scenes we’ve been working on this goal. We’re not ready yet, but we’re making progress!
My Best,
August 10th, 2016
Hello 1,780 Alumni Tigers,
Here's a copy of the email I sent to you all last week announcing the opening of nominations for the 2016 Lifetime Achievement Awards.
From Event Chair, Judy Walker
Nominations are now open for the 2016 Lifetime Achievement Awards to be presented on September 24, 2016. TAC members may nominate up to five current or past school employees or ERHS alumni for this honor.
Please consider not only the person’s professional achievements but also the person’s personal achievements such a charitable or volunteer work. To nominate, please send the person’s name along with a listing of the achievements that make them deserving of the award and why you believe he/she should receive the award. No nomination will be accepted without this list of achievements.
The deadline for receiving nominations will be August 20, 2016. Send nominations to Judy Walker at ieajudy46@gmail.com or Judy Walker, 704 Orchard Dr., Olney, IL 62450. Please include your name and email address/mailing address as the nominator. You will be notified when your nomination has been received. Up to five individuals shall be honored in addition to a Founder’s Award of Achievement nominated and selected by Richard Williams, Founder of TAC.
Voting shall take place August 21 through September 10. Voting shall be open to all members of TAC. Please watch this site for how to vote. Winners shall be announced on the TAC website and in the Olney Daily Mail after the voting has closed. Winners shall be notified prior to the reception to honor them on September 24. 2016. TAC hopes that winners or his/her representative can be present at the reception to accept the award.
Lifetime Achievement Honorees -- Hall of Honor
Claribel Benson, Bernie Edwards, Amy Fletcher, Margaret Griffin, Lee Grubb, Fred Noerenberg and Marshall Provines: Frank Wagner (Class of 1965) and Tom Weber (Class of 1964)
Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/2015-Lifetime-Ceremony.htm
Bernard Eagleton, Gail Lathrop, Gus and Mary Sliva, and Larry Miller; and Terry Bruce (Class of 1962), Dr. Michael Murray (Class of 1955) and Dan Borah (Class of 1964).
Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/2014-Honorees-Career-Briefs.htm
Ted Beagle, Mary Lou Marsh Brown, and George Rumsey
Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/Lifetime-Achievement-Honoree.htm
My fellow schoolmates, you must know that in addition to those selected, and named above, many others were nominated. We have a wealth of inspiring people in our community.
With great joy I invite you to nominate someone (or more) who has served our community well and whose life has been a joy to those lucky enough to share time with him or her. Scholars who know more than I do about communities have written that when we share lives of those who fill our spirits with humanity, who inspire us, and who make us proud to be a member, we lift our community to a higher level of humanity. When we share the honor of those of another generation with the current one, we bridge time and help unify a sense of belonging and joy of self-esteem.
Thank you for supporting this joyous TAC ceremony.
Happy Days!
May 6th, 2015
Hello 1,665 Tigers,
Got lots of good news! Read on!
Awards Ceremony
Tuesday evening, May 5th, the Award program for the seniors, Class of 2015, was conducted with ten seniors receiving each a $1,000 scholarship, the funding for which came from donations of TAC members.
On this occasion, two members, Judy Hill, TAC Faculty Coordinator and Kellie Cook, TPAA President, presented the certificates and checks to the recipients. Lick the link:
Return to this page from time to time as we will add pictures and biographies of our recipients.
Thanks again to our scholarship drive contributors. Perhaps you know how happy your support makes your TAC volunteers, as we enjoy helping our future alumni and alumnae. Personally, I can share that your support fills me with joy.
Honorary Degree Conferred
My good friend, Beverly Anderson Drake, class of 1964, reported a message of joy to me.
“Richard, I am wanting to post this on the TAC Website for everyone to read. I have been good friends with Gene Myers since high school and am now so proud to announce that Gene (Class of 1966) is receiving an Honorary Degree at Eastern Illinois University on Friday, May 8. Murray and I were invited to attend the presentation and reception, but we sadly cannot be there. Gene and his wife both graduated from EIU. He has been a very successful cartoonist and is being honored for his Art and Journalism.”
Any of you can send a congratulatory message to Gene from his TAC page: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_profile.cfm?member_id=4379304
Surely by now you know that the time has come for the changing of the guard, the changing of the leadership of ERCU1 -- our school district. Principal Chris Simpson will be our new Assistant Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent Mr. Larry Bussard will be our new Superintendent. Congratulations to both of them.
Superintendent Marilyn Holt is retiring. She has served us well. This past April 21st, she and 19 other Illinois high school superintendents were honored. To quote from a news release, “East Richland’s Holt honored as ‘Superintendent of Distinction.’ East Richland Superintendent Marilyn Holt was honored as a regional “Superintendent of Distinction” at an awards luncheon Tuesday (April 21) at the governor’s Executive Mansion in Springfield. Holt was selected by her peers in the Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA) Wabash Valley Region.”
To read the complete article, click on the following link: http://erhs.ercu1.net/news/i_a_s_a_superintendent_of_distinction_-_marilyn_ho
I have enjoyed working with Mrs. Holt for several years now and feel privileged to have worked with such an excellent leader who is also very open and friendly, a joy to know. I have something of an idea of her efforts to keep our school district running in spite of the Illinois financial crisis. I have something of an idea of her efforts to keep our school district running despite the Illinois financial crisis. She served both the Noble and ERCU#1 school districts well in when Noble was forced to close – and its board decided to close and send their students to East Richland. Her focus was always on what was best for the students.
I was so happy when Mrs. Holt -- she prefers that I call her “Marilyn" -- first joined us as an ‘employee’ member of our social website, the Tiger Alumni Center, for the current and past students and employees of ERCU1. Since then she has helped us with our mission to serve both. Her contributions to the last Lifetime Achievement Awards ceremony gave our program much added significance. Marilyn, you will be missed. (Let me know when you want to join us -- I’ll keep a chair open for you!)
If you would like to send either Mr. Simpson or Mrs. Holt a congratulatory message, you can. They are members and you can go to their pages and express your good wishes for them.
Mr. Simpson: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_profile.cfm?member_id=3775551
Mrs. Holt: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_profile.cfm?member_id=6165574
TAC support Contributors
I asked for your help and you’ve been giving it to keep TAC alive for another few years. I asked; you are answering! So far, TAC members have donated over $1,200. That sum will finance us well for at least two years. I am keeping the drive going for the benefit of both TAC and those of you who wish to make a small donation. That’s all we need now; just some small donations, of $5 or $10. Thanks to all – those participating by donating and the many of you who wish us well.
To visit the page at TAC, click on the following link or image. http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_custom.cfm?page_id=414596
Happy Days!
May Day, 2015
Happy May Day Tigers!
Until a member wished me a "Happy May Day," I had forgotten all about this past Friday being so special to me when I was a kid.
Her greeting triggered childhood memories of our school's annual "May Day" events. Some of you have special memories of participating in your senior May Court. My special memory is that of meeting the girl who is my wife of fifty-five years, Barbara Olson, Class of 1962. Yes, I remember standing in the southwest yard of ERHS watching and listening to the 1960 royalty ceremony. I expect I was dreaming of my persoal queen, Barbara.
For me, thinking about how special the day was to Olney, I think it functioned as a type of right-of-passage event marking the "March of Time" progress of students through the school years, with the greatest joy coming with the last one, our senior year.
Yes, I do remember some of the early May Days -- my Mother took pictures of me in several grade school parades and saved them in the family albums that she created for us and that we still have. Obviously, to her, and I expect for most Olneans, May Day was special. In one of her pictures I am in an all-green costume, like an Irish Leprechaun. Her shot captured me in the street in front of the post office -- at the corner where my then-favorite store, a candy store, was located. And that memory set off others.
Oh, yes, in my youthful innocence I thought older was better. Why wouldn't I? I had just met the love of my life who is still the love of my life.
To enjoy the parade pictures from one TAC member, click on the following image or link:
On a separate note, I can share with you that some of your fellow TAC members are mailing donations to me to keep TAC alive. I’ll post information soon on the TAC help page:
I am thankful to the contributors who honor me by their support. In personal “parlance” I am very happy with the mail I received yesterday and today. I smile as I prepare deposit slips. We’re on our way to a very happy result. More soon.
Happy Days!
February 27, 2015
Some news 1,641 Tigers!
Tiger Pride Alumni Association (TPAA).
“Pride,” as I call it, keeps having FIRSTS! I’m speaking this time of our new Facebook page. Check it out! On Facebook, key in Tiger Alumni Association. My thanks to Lisa Hemrich, our founding vice-president and author of our new Facebook. Here’s a link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tiger-Pride-Alumni-Association/881770211868103
“Missing Tigers” List/Page on TAC.
Help your schoolmates find missing classmates! Go to TAC’s updated page "Missing Tigers" where you'll see classmates listed. And if you know any listed, you can share it with the appropriate reunion committee or me. (Or contact the classmate and tell him/her of the reunion date.)
TAC's service with finding missing Tigers has been helpful in the past -- and I'm updating the page. Currently, only the Class of 1960 has posted missing classmates. So, reunion committee members, sent us your list. Our members can review the list. The link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/member_survey_form.cfm?SurveyID=17414
Scholarship Totals – February 27: $3,598!
Over half way to our goal of $6,000! Just about every day checks arrive at the office of ERHS. Check it out: http://www.erhsalumni.net/Scholarships-2015.htm
Thanks Schoolmates!
“Once A Classmate, Always One.”
I just finished reading the non-fiction book “Stand Before Your God” by American Paul Watkins, about his education at 500-year-old Eton. He wrote how he was, often, given special punishments, treated as a joke, kept at arm’s length, and called a “Yank” in insult. He reacted at times by withdrawing into his writing. Mostly he reacted by doing what he could: being open and friendly when possible or submissive and quiet when necessary. Eventually, by his last year, his classmates had accepted him: he wrote, " . . . for the first time since our first month at Eton, we banded together like brothers."
Unlike Paul, I have no memory of not being a class member. I don't remember atomic/Red war drills of getting under my desk, nor polio, nor the Chlorine Scare. Nor just about any national concern during the fifties. I was a kid more worried about earning money or getting the attention of a co-ed.
I have classmates I have known all my life, ones whom I have known since Kindergarten; others since Junior High; others since ERHS. I admired just about all of them. And a few of my current friends I've known since I was aged six! Those memories are special.
For most of my schoolmates, I was shy and didn’t call attention to myself; but look at all our annual group school pictures - and there I am. I was a member – and my classmates knew it as they knew each of them was a member -- each different: some very bright; others not so; some very friendly, others like me, quite. Whatever. I am a member of me class. You know what I mean?
Most of the time, I am so focused on the needs of the day or on special goals, . . . that I lose tough of that level of me. I forget what I am and to whom I am that -- classmate, friend, cousin, even brother. It’s such an assumed part of my 'being'; let’s say, “Skin.” I don’t think about it, . . . it's value. But every five years, I get a post card inviting me to a reunion, a gathering of aging people who know me now . . . and knew me then. I am one of them; a member of the community. As I asked, you know what I mean? I bet you do.
Your Schoolmate, Richard
Valentines Day - Feb 14th, 2015
Hello 1,637 Tigers!
Happy Valentine's Day, Feb 14, 2015!
Well, Happy Day to you all! I am so enjoying the company of you in your good wishes in emails and on facebook. I can’t tell you how much your good cheer means to me! A lot!
Scholarship as of Feb. 13th -- $2,473.
Day by day, more and more is coming in! Very often from you repeaters who have been supporting our ERHS Scholarship drive each year! Drop in to see who is listed! Click here or on the promo page below. http://www.erhsalumni.net/Scholarships-2015.htm
Ann's "OM"
Click on the image below to see Ann’s current OM, that’s “Olney Memory #115. I got the copy she sent me to connect with our TAC site – and so you’re seeing all Ann, not anything of me. Ann Unedited.
Click on the image below. http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_gallery.cfm?gallery_link_id=11859
Happy Days!
One email I got this week was from a classmate I use to know, but, after for over 30 years, had forgotten all about. She shared her memories of the neighbor bordered on the east by ERHS and the west by Mrs. Quayle’s IGA. I played in that area a lot! You see Johnny Quayle, Gene Lovelace and Bill Randy Worden were close friends of mine. I also knew Sandy Smith and Faye Miller, but as this memory is of BB Gun, Red Ryder Specials – Riflemen, I must be forgiven for not being interested in girls. We guys were often rifle-toting, wild 12-year-old men in those days. (You girls came later!) I still remember spending time as lookout up in Bill Randy’s treehouse.
We were young and very often stupid (I remember Gene running up to me, angry and yet silent, staring at me his face inches away from mine. Then I saw the bloody spot high on his nose, between his eyes. I had shot him in the face. I’ll never forget that. We were not supposed to shoot above the chest and yet I somehow had done so.) Memories. Even that one is a special one somehow. I remember later our two mom’s telling me/us how dangerous our war games were. Lucky not to have shot out one of Gene’s eyes.) Good thing the Mom’s were friends. Friends and Classmates of Olney High School.
Thanks for supporting our/your scholarship drive.
Happy Valentine's Day, 1,633 Tigers!
I love this holiday! I do now - did as a teacher and did as a kid!. Oh, boy!, Did I love it then. If I think of my childhood days at Central, three smiling girls ladies immediately visualize. I see them with me exchanging Valentine's Day cards with other kids and asking, "Will You be Mine?".
I didn't know Barbara then, but I knew Marti Melrose, Sharon Street, and Ann Weesner King. I did meet Barb a few weeks before I graduated from ERHS and she became my lifetime Valentine! But Marti, Sharon and Ann were, and are, favorite "Remembered Valentines!" Like "First Loves" first valentines come to mind on this lovely day! Who pops into your mind? Happy Days, Ya'll!
Scholarship Drive to February 3rd -- $1,883
More good schoolmates have donated to the TAC’s 2015 ERHS Scholarship drive. Click here or on the promo page below.
Ann's "OM"
I have posted a new "Olney Memories" for Ann. It is an edited version and not as good looking as hers as I didn't include all the art elements that she has in hers. So what I have archived is a copy true to the content and short on art. As you readers of Ann's "OM" know, she's experienced some major computer issues over the past few months. She's still recovering. I here will not detail the several steps I had to take in order to convert her format into one of my own. But you can read her Christmas / New Year's "OM" here. Click on the image below.
Happy Days!
I got some reports last year that I sent the only Valentine's Day Card that several ladies received. We’ve got 8 days until V Day! Begin plans now to remember your dear ones! How about thinking of today's ERHS Seniors who will be graduating rather soon. How about thinking of them too? Will be very pleased to see our 2015 Scholarship totals skyrocket in February!
November 25th
Happy Thanksgiving 1,608 Tigers!
We’ve enjoyed a beautiful day (Monday), so nice I could enjoy setting in my screened-in porch reading Maeve Binchy novel, “Whitethorn Woods” after raking leaves from our backyard. Raking leaves coupled with the coming Thanksgiving Holiday put me in a historical state-of-mind: 50 years ago I was a new teacher (of three months) who was going to my wedding on the coming Saturday. That holiday and all my Thanksgiving memories, help me to appreciate my good life.
Binchy, in her novel, has a character say . . . . “Knowing you are happy doubles your joy.” I am thankful! And wish you all the same!
Wanta B Happy, Be Happy.
A very good friend whom I have known since we were 6-years-old, told me in a phone visit Monday that she was so happy for me. She pointed out that all of my TAC messages were positive ones. She shared her enjoyment of our TAC and the good work its administrators were doing for school and alumni. I certainly enjoyed hearing her thoughts. While raking today, I thought about her feelings. As a teacher, I realized finanical wealth was not going to be mine -- not to depend on money to make me happy. As a teacher, I realized very early that my joy of teaching came from my efforts, not the student's -- their success was theirs, not mine. In time, I realized my values and my actions were the source of my happiness. You’ve heard the adages: “Know yourself; Be yourself.” “To your own self be true.”
Thankful for Volunteers!
I love TAC. I have been connected with so many people, many being schoolmates whom I did not know until our TAC center. I founded TAC so that alumni could enjoy getting connected with their classmates, schoolmates, and teachers. This time in fall 2010 we had under a hundred members; now we have over 1600. Then I had no help. Now four fulltime administrators and that number of part-time volunteers keep TAC responsive to you members. Thanks to all of you!
Barbara Ann Olson Williams
A Thankful Thankgiving!
I hope you all find something special about this coming Thanksgiving to be thankful for. I do. In my case, it’s a happy marriage to the gal I love and married 50 years ago this coming Saturday.
Happy Thanksgiving!
October 11, 2014
Hello 1,580 Tigers!
Boy do I have lots to share with you all! Barb and I are back home from our 1,655-miles, Illinois-Indiana trip. We love our annual trip to Illinois and Indiana. As true of the last five years, we got home filled with joy and much to share – and exhausted. We got busy getting chores done that stayed at home waiting for our return. And as a result I have much to share – and will do so over the next few weeks!
We enjoyed visiting people at every stop. In Olney, Friday night, September 26th, at Mikes, we were welcomed by some of the 1964 classmates who invited us to join them and who treated us as classmates. They were celebrating their 50th reunion.
Barb, on the far left; On the right side of the table (beginning on the far left) Sharon Kay Culbertson (Eads), Judi Drew Hoover, me, and Suzi Cammon Lauer
Saturday afternoon I enjoyed the Lifetime achievement awards. Very rewarding to honor good people who have made life better for those of us in or from Richland County! I must admit I had done little myself for the event. Judy Walker (1964) served both as the event chair and the mc of the cerebration. She was assisted this year with Clarence “Smitty” Smith (1960). He also served by inscribing the names of the recipients on the certificates (which Stan Gill had created for us). I’ll share details about the event soon.
Mr. Eagleton and Richard Williams
Saturday evening I enjoyed visiting with schoolmates of several classes, spending most of my time with members of the Class of 1964. I was so pleased to have a few minutes to thank the members for all their support of our alumni mission. Their class has the honor of providing most of the leaders of TAC and TPAA, of having more members participating in fund raisers and with more members who have donated the most Olneans.
Sunday I enjoyed attending the second meeting of our new Tiger Pride Association Meeting. A special joy was meeting in person both Kellie Cook, President of Pride, and Lisa Hemrich, Vice President.
Will share info soon. One point I want to share for those of you who are wondering: We will award scholarships to some 2015 graduates. Again, details coming soon.
We left Olney with much to share and with happy memories!
In Springfield, IL., we enjoyed visiting with my friend John Roberts, Professor of History, Lincoln Land Community College, and with our 21-year-old granddaughter.
In Chicago we enjoyed five great days with Cousin Nancy and her family -- and I spent a day at the Chicago Art Institute while Nancy and Barb shopped.
Barb and Cousin Nancy
We drove to a farm in rural Clinton, Ind., Saturday, spending this past week-end as the guests of Barb’s friend Raelene who was Barb’s nursing school classmate. Raelene, on Sunday, took us to Rockville, Indiana, where I started my teaching career 50 years ago, fall, 1964. There, we ate and visited the art gallery where I purchased art done by a lady who was a student 50 years ago.
Drove all day Monday, 545 miles, getting home around 7:30. We got to within 10 miles of home by 6:15 but then slowed to a stop behind the back end of five miles of five lanes (out of six) of traffic blocked by a car accident.)
Busy doing ‘back-home’ stuff the last three days. But we enjoyed our trip; good to go and good to be home!
Great memories! And soon I’ll get the ones related to our alumni mission written to share with you, like the 2014 Lifetime Achievement ceremony.
Happy Days!
Happy Days! We've Got TPAA
You already know, I am sure, that history is being made this 2014-15 school year for ERHS. For the first time ever, high school students will all attend the same high school.
Even being 500 miles away as Barb and I are, I know something about losing a loved school. We lost our township grade school last year. From the school board’s first announcement of the need for closures until last August when the Tyrone Elementary was an empty building on Main Street, many unhappy people shared heated opinions. While Barb and I did not have any child in the school, two of our nephews did, and they were sad to see an outstanding school lost to their and our neighborhood children who are now bussed to schools in other neighborhoods. Barb and I will notice the difference in our property values as our neighborhood is no longer a prized one. Realtors have made the necessary changes in their evaluations of neighborhoods in their sales literature.
But back in Noble, even with mixed feelings, most adults understand that the loss/gain mix requires acceptance of reality. Understandably, some ‘Wildcat’ fans will never accept the change; most citizens will. I think it is fair to say that ex-Nobel High School youth are going to get a good education at ERHS, maybe as good as at Noble High School in some ways, and maybe better in others. In Olney, most citizens seem to be okay with the resolution of a dilemma that was not of their making. I am glad that ERHS has the room and ability to welcome all students.
On another topic, we at TAC and TPAA are pleased to report that the Tiger Pride Alumni Association is a reality, as of Sunday evening, August 24th. Then, we directors of TPAA took the necessary steps that resulted in TPAA being an active State of Illinois corporation.
I believe many of you know that the creation of TPAA has been a dream of mine for years -- and it took a team of ten to achieve the sweet goal! Of the ten, key to the success was Tom Weber, Class of 1964, who donated many hours of time writing the Bylaws for TPAA. Tom may say we 'co-wrote' them as he was so kind as to spend hours on the phone with me going over ever item in the 11-paged document, but mostly I just had questions which added time to the task. But when done, I am as pleased with the result as if I had written them - and even that speaks to Tom's grace.
Also know that TAC will remain the separate and supportive group/website that it is, but it will on the same date, become a ‘sister’ organization, a communicationng organ to promote the goals of TPAA. You TAC members are TAC members only; TPAA will never have members, as it is a directors’ only charity corporation. TPAA’s job is to support the school district and be a service to you alumni. To do that will require fundraising and other tasks. Hopefully many of you alumni will welcome TPAA not only with your heart, but also with your checkbook. That’s about TPAA, not TAC.
For more information, click here to go to "Your Alumni Leaders" page.
Happy Days
Happy Spring!
Happy Spring, 1,478 Tigers!
No doubt you’ve an idea we admin here at TAC have been busy. Here's the news! Read on! Hope you don't fall asleep!
- TAC’s ERHS 2014 Scholarship Drive. As everyone surely knows, we’re about at the climax of the drive and with some great, last-minute surprises (not all of them public yet), I know we’ll top our goal. You who think that a small gift of, say, $10 is too little, need to think again! Garry or I would love to post your name on the donor’s list. You’ll feel so good! (Remember only we admin see the exact amount) Many of us will get a warm feeling reading all your names! Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/Scholarships-2014.htm
- In Memory pages. Director Nancy Rumsey (Class of 1968) is quietly busy adding obituaries with the number now nearing 3,000 (2,986 -- I did say “nearing” and that is, isn’t it!) of our past alumni being remembered. Reunion committee members, Nancy welcomes your requests for help in your search for members. Some may have died since you last tried to contact them. Nancy’s got some super research tools and will gladly use them to help you.
- September Reunions. Reunion committees, don't forget to keep us posted of your coming reunion. Let us help you! Let us post your event. Check out the current information: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_gallery.cfm?gallery_link_id=10999
- TAC/TPAA reception. Director Judy Hill Walker (Class of 1964) is in charge of the Lifetime Achievement Awards and in no time will be sending out notices about the coming 2014 event. Be on the lookout for these notices as we all had a great time last year and also learned a lot. (Click on the following link to visit the 2013 Lifetime Achievement Inductees) http://www.erhsalumni.net/Lifetime-Achievement-Honoree.htm As a result, for this year we’re expanding our scope, so to speak to include you members. More on that in time. Again this 2014 event will be held on the last Saturday in September, on the 27th, beginning at 1:00 p.m. in the Camelot Room, at the Olney Holiday. Link: http://www.erhsalumni.ne t/2014-TAC-Reception.htm
- Directors for the Tiger Pride Alumni Association. You know from my introductory messages, that Clarence (Smitty) Smith (Class of 1960), Janet McKinney Everette (Class of 1977), and Kellie Bussard Cook (Class of 1964) are joining the directors you already know: Mary Cummings (Class of 1970), Nancy Rumsey (1966), Judy Walker (Class of 1964) and me! While the new directors have to wait until we old ones have our first meeting to name them, they already honor us by bringing their talents and passion to our goal of serving our school and our alumni.
- Our Veteran’s Wall of Appreciation and Connecting TAC with Facebook. Garry Bowman, your Webmaster, took on the chore of connecting us of us, who wished to do so, with Facebook. If you don’t wish to do that, you don’t have to do so. If think you might, email Garry (and not me, as I have not received the training that Garry has). Also, our Wall of Appreciation got an update this last week and we’ve had some activity there. If you’re a vet, you may have your record summarized there. Again, ask Garry about that. Email: erhs1964@yahoo.com
- Olnean Collection. Thanks to donations our collection keeps growing. TAC currently owns the following yearbooks: 1908, 1927, 1929, 1930, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1948, 1952, 1953, 1957, 1960, and 1961. From family members, we have on loan 1962, 1963, 1964, and 1965. When asked recently the reason I was collecting, I gave two answers, the short one being “Research.” The history of our school is recorded in the Olneans. The best record of the school’s successes in most activities, like sports, is recorded in the Olneans. Link to “Wanted: Olneans.” http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_custom.cfm?page_id=295972
- Great Profiles. If you’re like me, you enjoy reading about your schoolmates. I have learned about so many of you by reading your profile. At times, I think, “Gee, I bet a lot of members would like to read this one. And recently I decided to act on that feeling. I got permission from Elise Buss to share with you a link to her profile: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_profile.cfm?member_id=4291108 Know of one you’d like to recommend? Let me know, please. I'll enjoy sharing (with permission)!
- Class ring Found! A member recently emailed me reporting that she had found a class ring. I can imagine how anyone would feel about losing his/her ring. I do, as I lost mine many years ago. But we may be able to return this one to its owner. The found one is from a class of the 1980s and has a name inscribed on the inside. Email me if you think the ring could be yours, being sure to give me the year and inscribed name in yours. Other identifying information, too. I’ll share that with the person who found the one we’re talking about.
- Cars for the 1950s. Enjoy looking at 'old' cars? Think you're pretty good at "ID"'ing them? I looked at an online test and did a bit better than average (which was 73) with a score of 88. Here's the link if you want to try it out: http://www.americantorque.com/game/car-show-50s/ I missed two car identifications only, but as each err was in a group of four cars, that cost four cars. You'll see what I mean if you try the test. Let me know, if you beat my score! Good Luck!
Happy Days!
March 28th
Happy New Year, 2014
Happy New Year TAC members!
Ann, Judy, Mary, Nancy, Peggy, and I sent you our best for this New Year of 2014! I usually need a few days to get use to the fact that in real time I’m really in a new year. For most of my life, as a student and then teacher, I’ve been free on these days, as my school (whichever, Olney one, college, or a teaching one) has been in recess over the Christmas holiday. With my work temporarily done and Barb back to work, I’ve been alone and for a few days I can enjoy the illusion that TIME has stopped. It’s sorta like a “Timeout.”
When I’m alone, I think. And when I think, I feel. I’m feeling the same right now, as many of those years when I was a teacher wishing my best to so many fellow educators and our students. And what’s so good about now is that I am thinking joy for over 1,500 TAC members. Ann, Peggy, Judy, Mary, and Nancy -- We all wish you well! I have a special wish I share below.
Update Your Profile, Please!
January is a good month to look at your profile on TAC and update it. You know we enjoy reading it and looking at the pictures you post. Remember, the more you share, the more you enjoy! I think that is especially true now that our profiles have a new look and we can offer more places where friends can interact with us. Update, please! I do enjoy reading your profiles!
Joy in 2013
With your support 2013 was another wonderful year for Tiger Alumni Center. Our ‘Year’ is really like the school year, September to May, with hyphenated years, as in 2012-13 and now 2013-14. But looking back to the 2013 part, yes, you helped us enjoy our third year as an alumni movement. We’re here to serve you and that’s what is important. As we do that and you respond, we offer more and more services. Last year we added our “Lifetime Achievement” honors. Last year TAC members sponsored seven scholarships. Joy in 2013. Click on the $ to review last year's results.
“Admin Emeritus” Long
Peggy Long has requested retirement from TAC. And we fellow “Admin” (brief for administrators) are honoring that wish, sorta. We love Peggy. She loved our site and our goals and was/is such a joy to talk to. She was full of joy and good wishes for us and often with a point of view that was very helpful. So we’re ‘releasing’ her from fulltime duties. We’re honoring her with the position of “Admin Emeritus.” If you wish to greet her, you can do so by clicking on her picture.
The FutureTiger Pride Alumni Association
Last year (actually, weeks ago in December), Mary Noerenberg Cummings (1970), Judy Hill Walker (1964) and Nancy Huchel Rumsey (1966) and I signed the application form prepared by Tom Weber for a state-approved, alumni organization. We are on our way to achieving a legal alumni organization for our school. Tom is making it possible; he’s doing more than just giving us free legal advice. He’s been enthusiastic, as he is about supporting anything for his Olney. He’s not just ‘rubber-stamping’ a form and submitting it for us. He’s also involved in the writing. He came up with the name, “Tiger Pride.” So think good thoughts of him. You can’t message him here at TAC as he is not a member, yet. But, when in Olney, wish him well. Tom tells me he’ll join after he retires this coming August.
Calling a CPA!
For our next step -- achieving ‘tax-free status’ we will need to complete (what I am told is a short but complex) form and Tom wants a CPA to do that for us. We soon will need a CPA. Help please.
True Grit.
You know that Judy and I are retired teachers. Maybe you know that quite a few of our members are educators or were. Maybe you already know, as good parents or as people with successful careers, what makes a person successful in achieving goals. In a word it is “Grit.” Having grit! As a teacher, I learned somewhere along the trip of my career, that successful students were the ones with grit. They were in “it” for the long haul. They could take a failure and convert it into a type of mistake and learn from it (or a number of problems). Nothing could jar the student off the course of learning/achieving success. If the student needed help, he or she would seek it, get it, and re-focus back on the path of the goal.
Also, some of the best students I ever had, were ‘hiding’ in the classroom, some having grit and not realizing it. Excuse a short side: One expert asked my faculty at one in-service “Whom are you teaching? Which people in your classes are your real audience or audiences? Think about it.” I learned that some ‘kids’ needed me to initiate, privately their course-work, membership in the class. They needed me to approach them showing interest in them, such as inviting to have lunch with me or to visit me in my office. Once the student accepted the ‘membership’ or ‘partnership,’ he or she could be open to realizing her or his ‘grit.’ Once I “got’em going, no stopping”!
And so it continues.
And so for you this new year, I wish you grit or to ‘work’ your grit!
Happy Days!
December to Remember!
Hello Tigers!
We'll celebrate the time we have . . . and . . . !
We’ve lost 104 schoolmates so far this year. I know; I just checked the list in “In Memory.” And we lost about that many in 2012. To check for yourself, go to “In Memories: Click on
To find the list of Tigers we lost this year (if the above link doesn’t show it, on the In Memory page, find the ‘Show’ box, click on it and scroll all the way down to “All” and click on it. Thanks to Nancy Rumsey who has posed several thousand obituaries.
The December to Remember
We’re really lucky to have the families and friends that we have and have had. The past is just that the past: but it is our past and it greatly effects our behavior in our current time, our moments. And so I am happy to see all the ways we are connected and the manner in which you and I celebrate “The Time We Have.” Knowing so many of you -- having made so many connections -- I am satisfied with the time I have. I mean that I so enjoy my connections with you all. I had no idea, when I retired, that I’d be doing what you know I am doing. It is so rewarding! And it gets more so. Please read on.
One of the deaths this year is that of a woman I thought was connected to me via school. I didn’t know how we were connected; I just assumed my cousin Sally Byrne (Rynard) (1958) had let me tag along with her, as she did so often, and, thus, through Sally, I met Mariann. That’s one theory. Maybe, I thought, Mariann and I met some place in Olney; it is a small town and most of us know most Olneans.
More on that line of thinking in a minute. I do know how I got to see Mariann (I’ll use “M” now) Houser last year. Her niece, Shelley Bateman (Steber) (1973) brought Mariann to the TAC 2012 Olney reception. She knew how very much both Barb and I would enjoy seeing M again. You see, M worked for Barb’s father many years ago when Barb and I were young newlyweds. We had gone to his office one day and there was M. So Barb knew M too. Well, that meeting last year was a super one – now even more meaningful! We’re thankful that we got to see M again.
Bettie Jane Hurley, 1936
Before I leave this ‘scene’ let me connect Mariann and me and my mother, Bettie Jane. You see both Mom and Mariann lived in the same neighborhood when Mom was in her early twenties and M was a new teenager (12 years separating their ages). Now back to last year. When we were visiting during the reception, I made the comment to M about Barb knowing her as a result of her working for B’s dad. And then M turned to me and said, “And I have known you all your life. I was your babysitter.”
Mariann Houser – “Annie” to her family -- died last Sunday. She now belongs to our history. Her love, however, lives on. It lives on in everyone who got to know her. Certainly, Shelley, it lives on in you. It does in me and Barb.
Earlier I reported that we’ve had 104 schoolmates die so far this year. Each of them is just as important to their families and friends as Mariann’s is to us. So let’s celebrate the time we have and have had and . . . let’s toast the schoolmates who have joined history.
Ann’s “OM”
As you may know, Ann Weesner King has published her OM 105 --- and we’ve posted a copy here at TAC. Click on her OM image below:
Scholarship Fund Drive
I want you who have donated to the fund this year to know I love it! Thanks! I also want you to know that, for several understandable reasons, I’ve not got a report from the school (My fault: Being out of town for half of October and November is part of the reason.) Hopefully I’ll get a report soon and will know whom of you to thank!
To Review Your 2013 Donations, Click below
Tiger Pride: Meeting last Monday Night
Last Monday the future directors of the coming Tiger Pride alumni organization met to discuss the draft applications that schoolmate, lawyer Tom Weber wrote for us. We met at TAC using the chat feature of the website. I can tell you I enjoyed the meeting a lot. I kept thinking “We’re making history! Our first board meeting!” Stuff like that. We future directors agreed on everything, even on one adjustment to one paragraph of one article. A good meeting. I’m sharing so any of you who want to feel good about our progress can feel good, too.
Mom’s Rules -- For Happy Tigers!
Happy Days!
Thoughts Related to TAC’s Third Birthday
Sunday, September 15th, 2013
Hello Tigers!
This Sunday, your Tiger Alumni Center turns three-years-old! Your TAC administrators are very pleased with this young organization. They also are pleased to hear ideas to make it better. And I personally am so pleased with the leadership all of your administrators have given, past and current. On this occasion, I am thankful for their volunteerism!
To me, the birthday is causing me to ponder its future. I think of the coincidence of my turning 72 on the same day. Given that every day is a gift – and even more so after the age of 70 -- I, as I say, ponder its future.
Most Important Goal!
Thought One: I am now certain that my most important goal is to make it attractive to potential youthful directors. Yes, Nancy, Judy, Peg, and Ann are super administrators and may choose to lead TAC for years to come. But we need to attract young(er) administrators to join us, bridging generations.
In General: Survival!
Given that, what to do? A TAC friend, this past week, asked me why I was so motivated to achieve legal status for TAC, that is, 501c3. In general my answer is that of Survival! I think being a legal alumni corporation will help TAC survive to serve alumni and to help current county students for years to come.
1. The Clarity of a Formal Corporation
I, also, think of three more specific answers. First, hopefully, such status will help draw future youthful directors because they would appreciate the protocols of a formal corporation, especially as it relates to finances. Now we avoid collecting money or spending it. (Our scholarship drive is one with donors giving directly to ERHS, not us.) If we were a corporation with tax-exempt status, we’ll have more ability get funds to budget alumni activates. And we could have fund drives to support our scholarships and other funds I’d like to see us develop. (I am so hopeful that we will someday be able to help with the needs of those current elementary and high school students who need all sorts of help; clothing, dental, etc., not just with school-related expenses -- but certainly those.) I guess we all know that Richland County has a poverty level of over 50%.
Asked: "Aren't You Successful Now?
Then I was asked: “Aren’t you being very successful as you are?” Yes. That is true. But. And then I think of the ‘office terms’ of us now serving. Each year I ask the volunteers if they will serve one more year. That’s it. No legal terms at all. Just sorta a ‘handshake.’ We certainly are a “Mom&Pop” business.
2. The Clarity of Office and Term Limits
And so a second reason: I’ve thought we ought to be more formal, legal, because . . . . Those who might be future directors will know their office, term limits, and perhaps, legal protection.
3. Better Financial Operations
And now a third reason: Better Financial operations. We have no budget. We survived the first year as Barb and I paid for everything. That couldn’t continue. The second year I asked for help and got plenty! Members gave over $800. And we used that to pay website bills and we still have $500 left. I expect by the end of the month we’ll be down to $200 (I'm not asking for more at this time) as I’ve got to use some of the TAC money to meet expenses related to our second annual reception in Olney this coming Saturday, September 28th.
Those are three detailed reasons. And now back to a key general one: I want the alumni organization to survive me and survive for years! I am "feeling my age" on this “eve” of my turning 72.
Happy Birthday, TAC! May you enjoy a wonderful year -- and many more!
Three years of success should greatly enhance the chances for a wonderful fourth year!
Sept. 14th, 2013
And the Rest of the Story, Sorta!
August 25th
Hello 1332 Tigers!
I bet you and yours are getting ready for the shift in the seasons from summer to fall, just as Barb and I are. We’re getting ready for Labor Day activities in Tiny Tyrone, for our annual trip to Illinois and Indiana, and for a late fall cruise to the Caribbean which means I have five ‘talks’ to prepare.
Honored Guests – TAC’s 2nd Reception
Our Illinois trip includes Olney as we at TAC are hosting our Second Annual Reception, Saturday afternoon at one at the Holiday on September 28th . Hope to see you there. This year we have invited special guests who have served Olney Township High School and East Richland High School and the Olney area well. I will announce the names of our Honored Guests soon!
A Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_custom.cfm?page_id=239841
My computer chose past week to require a vacation of several days to the local Best Buy and so I may have lost messages. If so, I am sorry; please do try me again.
Many of you visited the new album I post last week, the “Growler” Olney High School yearbook, 1908. I got some messages that I truly enjoyed as they were all about Connections, which you all know I love. Here I’ll share two.
Pete Weber:
What a great find! I can relate to several of the people in the yearbook. Tot Loftin, the editor was also President of the senior class. "Aunt Tot" was my great aunt. She obtained a teaching certificate after high school and with her sister Gretch who was also a teacher homesteaded near Gillette Wyoming. And lived in a sod house which had 2 rooms which were separated by a breezeway so that 2 claims could be made. Both married but only Tot had 2 children, both boys and both became physicians. The younger son is still alive and well in Brigham City UT. I actually was able to work on Aunt Gretch's ranch for a summer when I was 13.(My dad also did the same when he was younger.) Several of the other students cited in the yearbook bring memories to me, but that will be for another time. Thanks for putting the yearbook on line.
From Tom Abegglen:
Coach Van Cleve was my grandfather. His two sons, Gilbert (Gig) and Vincent (Vinnie) and two daughters Marjorie and Elizabeth (Bu) were all OTHS graduates. Uncle Gig had a son, Charles (Chappie) and two daughters, Sandy and Cathy who graduated from ERHS. Uncle Vinnie had a daughter, Cynthia and son, Steve who graduated from ERHS. My mother, Marjorie had two sons, Tom (me) and Bill Abegglen who graduated from ERHS (and a son and daughter who graduated from Decatur High School), and Aunt Bu had a daughter, Nancy Kowa who graduated from ERHS.
And some more of the rest of the story!
Ms. Ella Schmalhausen
Last week I shared with you the 1908 image above of Ms. Schmalhausen. Then during the week I happened on the 1948 picture of her (Below). Don't know if the 08 and 48 dates were the first and last, but I do know that makes at least 40 years teaching Olney area youth.
That reserves a big THANK YOU!
Several writers wanted to send thanks to Helen Smith for her donation of the 1908 yearbook. Thanks again, Helen! That you members enjoy the ‘old’ yearbooks is so rewarding. Thanks, too, to all of the rest of you who have donated yearbooks! Yearbooks are welcome here! Our readers really consider them a ‘treat’ and they help us here at TAC with research.
First, progress toward ‘our’ 501c. Yes, we’re making some. One recent helper asked if we had any volunteers from the 80s, 90s, or 20s interested in joining as directors of the 501 organization. I am sure there are. We just don’t know you yet. We would love to find a CPA alumni who would join us.
Second, we need help with our website. Need someone as a Vet Administrator. Would love to have a Sports Administrator. Would love to have a Genealogy Administrator. We welcome you!
Reunions -- Yes we’ve got some!
Classes of the 1950s
1953 -- 60th reunion at The Holiday on September 21.
Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_gallery.cfm?gallery_link_id=11000
1950 -- 63rd REUNION -– The Olde Tyme Steakhause -- Friday, September 27th, Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_gallery.cfm?gallery_link_id=15510
1856 -- 57th REUNION -- The Olde Tyme Steakhause -- Saturday, September 28th.
Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_custom.cfm?page_id=248211
1958 -- 55th REUNION -- Septermber 27, 28 and 29th
Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_gallery.cfm?gallery_link_id=11001
Classes of the 1960s
1963 -- 50th REUNION -- Event Date: Last of September, 2013
Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_gallery.cfm?gallery_link_id=11003
1968 -- 45th REUNION – Held last July (Would like some pictures, please)
Classes of the 1970s
1973 -- 40th REUNION – The Gypsy – September 27th and 28th atVFW
Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_gallery.cfm?gallery_link_id=11005
1978 -- 35th REUNION -- Olde Tyme Steakhaus-- Saturday, Oct. 12
Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_gallery.cfm?gallery_id=21625
Classes of the 1980s
1983 – 30th REUNION -- Labor Day weekend of August 31 at the Holiday
Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/member_survey_form.cfm?SurveyID=15230
1993 -- 20th Reunion -- September 13th & 14th -- Friday - Football Game
Saturday -- Dinner and Dancing at the Gypsy
Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_custom.cfm?page_id=247644
Happy Days!
Happy Independence Day 2013 -- Fourth of July!
Happy New Year, 1290 Tigers!
This July 4th our country is 237 years old! We live in the greatest republic in world history! And I thank God that I was born here and thus had the great good fortune to enjoy a free life made possible by the combined geniuses of the delegates meeting back then to tailor-make a free country. One example: Little New Jersey (afraid of the per capital representation plan of huge Virginia) insisted on what became our Senate, a body with equal membership regardless of the populations.
And I am equally glad to enjoy life here and now. I know. I too see or read all the bad news daily. I know our economy is hurting and of the economic tragedies happening in many places in the world: for example, with unemployment as high as 27.2 percent (Spain) or 18 (Portugal) and really bad in Greece and Italy.
I, too, see on television the fighting in the streets of such countries as Egypt, Turkey, Portugal, and Brazil.
It may not be good here and it has been a lot better, but we have layers of protection designed by our founders that have survived past times with leaders whom many considered foolish and prudential.
I do hope you are okay (all is relative -- note above) and enjoying life with family and friends who love you. God bless you and our wonderful country.
Class of 1968 – 40th Class Reunion.
Here’s wishing you a great reunion this coming week-end. I hope old friends (and new) greet each other in memory of happy times at ERHS! I hope the weather gives you a good time Friday at Millers Grove and that you have the best ever Saturday night at the VFW.
Ann’s “Olney Memories.”
Ann yesterday sent me a copy of her 102 OM. It is posted for your reading pleasure. Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_gallery.cfm?gallery_link_id=11859
Veterans and John Allen Fritchey.
I know we have many veterans who have worked with John and have their service record posted here at TAC. Thank you for your service and also letting us share it here at TAC. To other veterans, we welcome your service record, too. In the memory of John and all other TAC members who served share it with me and I will post it.
To read John’s obituary – Link: http://www.erhsalumni.net/class_profile.cfm?member_id=3774720
Memorial: Mrs. Julie C. Purdy – Wife of Superintendent Leslie Purdy
A celebration of Julia's life will be hosted by her family on Saturday, July 13th at 11 a.m. at the Olney First United Methodist Church, followed immediately by a luncheon for family and friends. - See more at: http://www.remembering-when.com/9504/#.UdRYRvm1GW5
Mr. Purdy was hired as Superintendent of Schools at East Richland Community Unit #1 in Olney and remained in that position until his retirement in 1978.
Growth! 1290 members!
Every Spring we at TAC enjoy spurts of growth as reunion committees get to work planning their various reunions. Thanks! We at TAC are here to help! Our goal as an alumni organization is to serve all classes. And we often get praised for our efforts.
Our administrators deserve it. Those administrators who volunteer here (or have in the past) are the ones who have contributed services that make TAC what it is.
- Nancy Rumsey (1966) our “Olney Connection” with her thousands of obituaries, and her work helping classes with their lists of deceased classmates;
- Stan Gill, (1964), (and Spieth’s Photography) for our senior portraits;
- Ann Weesner King (1960) and her sharing so much, not just her “Olney Memories;”
- Judy Walker (1964) who is our faculty connection;
- Peggy Long (1955) for her work with the classes of the 50’s;
- John Fritchey, our past Veterans Administrator.
They have made TAC your service center.
Volunteers Wanted. Join us to serve our graduates.
Happy Days!
Friday, May 3th
May Flowers – Sliva’s and Big Sound -- Our Mother’s May 12th
Happy May, My Tigers!
Well, here we are mid-Spring!
Get out of your cabin and look at the flowers! I sure hope your neighborhood is as pretty as ours here in the ‘Deep South’ of Tiny Tyrone, Georgia. We go walking after supper almost every evening. The twilight time is magical to me. Like us, I hope you meet friends and walk together – walking, talking and looking.
I love to watch that evening sun go down!. In the Spring, it waits until the dishes are done and we’re out walking. The winter ‘cold’ tones of gray and black and blue gone. Instead, we enjoy a mystical scene of so many shades of gold and green that we’re almost blinded to ‘reality’ and are surprised to arrive at the next corner so soon. The tree line ‘upahead’ filters the red-orange sun behind it, hiding the exact moment it slips away. It’s like being new, like being with all loved ones at once, like being home.
Tiger Alumni Center!
I so enjoy sharing with you all that I am almost moved to write poetry (with the above passage inspired by the thought of sharing with you, the TAC)! But I'll share some items with you in normal prose.
1. The Sliva-Directed Concerts. Thanks to Sam Kesler, Class of 1964, we have 21 selections for you to enjoy here at TAC. Click on the link below to enjoy the wonderful concerts. http://www.erhsalumni.net/ERHS-Music-Slivas-1960s.htm
2. Do you Skype? I’m back on Skype. You can find me at Richard.erhs1960. I’ve been gone for months as my old computer and Skype didn’t seem to get along. But I have missed visiting with some of you. For more infor, click on http://www.erhsalumni.net/member_survey_form.cfm?SurveyID=15136
3. Socal networking! TAC is a social network website. You know it, because we’re an alumni center. And our website offers many tools to connect, to share, and to enjoy classmates, even many years of schoolmates. The site encourages you to send messages, to join chat groups, to ‘click’ on choices of sharing. Some key choices are offered when we join and just as often we hurry through them. Do go back and check those choices. See the link “Notify Me” on the left navigation list.
4. “Notify Me.” If you click on that link on your TAC pages, you will see a list of ways to connect with classmates. Each item in that list is followed by the choices of “Immediately” or “Daily” or “Never.” The list of options begins with the topic of when “I receive a new personal message” and continues for 12 items, one being “A Classmate posts an In Memory comment.”
Think about how often you want/need to be notified. Keep in mind that we’ve got over 1200 members (and over 2500 names in the "In Memory") and you might get many more TAC messages than you ever thought could happen. Happy about it? Good! Not so pleased? Change the setting. You have to do it yourself; we administrators are not allowed there.
5. Mother’s Day – May 12th. One of my favorite days is coming up real soon. I have written about my mother and my grandmother Keiger. Their memories are precious to me. My folks, especially the women, gave me the values that resulted in my enjoying the life I enjoy so very much. I wish all you mothers a joyous Mother’s Day! And those of you who would love to write about your mother and/or grandmothers, I invite you to share your tribute with us here at TAC. You write it and I’ll post it here on a special page of TAC. Limit it to a page (300 words).
Happy Days!
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Hello Tigers,
Pleased to know you!
Rarely does a week go by but that one of you wants me to share with your TAC administrators your compliments about TAC. Thanks! I understand! I love being a member here myself. I'm enjoying our connections. I guess I can never know all 1400 of you, but I sure am meeting many of you. We're growing closer! And that's one key objective of TAC.
And Helping our School, that's the other one!
And that relates to our scholarship funds. Right now is a quiet time as our school is getting ready for its honors night. Your support of the 2013 scholarship drive has resulted our being able to help some graduates with college. Thank you very much! I am so pleased. Your support is a joy, very rewarding.
East-West School Boards to Joint-Meet
Boards to meet; agenda - annextation. See the link below to Olney Daily Mail website and article. You will be leaving TAC. The same issue of ODM website carries an article about the coming school board elections. You may want to read that too. In that article you can read how candidates feel about the school financing and possible annextation.
Or, you can click on the following link to read a copy of the notice of the coming joint board meeting. Click:
Glory Days! -- Olney Township High School.
Just about every week one of you shares some information with me that I really enjoy. Recently, Sandy VanCleve Hicks, Class of 1961, shared with me a site about the glory days of Illinois high schools. Certainly Glory applies to our Olney Towship High School teams!
Here's a link to the page about Olney:
Sports Administrator Wanted
Sandy's help reminds me that we really could use a TAC Sports Administrator. How about it? You think so? If so, let's start thinking of some candidates. Please share with me.
Several of you have shared Olneans with us here at TAC. I am so pleased that we're beginning to have a library of them.
We need more. Got any to share? Would love to find 1940, 1960, and 1966. But we really would like to have all of them. We need the 1940 to 1943; most of the 1950s; and just about all of them afterwards.
Did you Know?
You can message your entire class of TAC members here. Go to the "Message Center" and follow the directions. Click on "Compose Message." Then, click on "Display all classmates." Then, click on each name. Then compose your message. It will also go to those members.
I went to Best Buy last Thursday and had my computer checked for security. I wanted to be sure that no bad guys had gotten to me and thus to TAC. I'm clean. I also will tell you that I use a paid email address here as I pay for security with it.
I, like most of you, have other email addresses but those are free and may or may not have any level of security. So I use rrw41@earthlink.net here.
John Fritchey
Let me thank you here for the notes you sent to John wishing him well. I will share more of his condition when I know more.
April 14th, 2013
Afternoon Tigers!
I need to share some sad news with you. Your TAC Veterans’ Administrator, John Fritchey, has suffered a stroke. I try always to share good news with you, but at this time when my own information is very limited, I report only that he may have a good chance to recover fully. I believe his stroke is not life threating.
If you wish to send John a message, you may be sure that he will see the messages sent to him from here, TAC! Here's the link to his profile.
Email from Charm Fritchey to Richard Williams
John had a stroke on March 5 and right now has expressive aphasia.
His speech is slowly getting better, and he begins speech therapy next week, so we're hoping for his ability to relearn the alphabet, numbers, and everything else he lost from the stroke.
Please tell everyone thank you so much for all the positive thoughts sent his way.
Charmaine for John
April 6th, 2013
Good Morning Tigers!
Hope you had a chance to catch the the East Richland Foundation for Academic Excellence and the East Richland Music Boosters radio telethon.
New News.
1. School Districts -- West/East Richland Districts.
By now, I am certain most of us know about talks between ERSD and WRSD related to some sort of blending resources in an attempt to continue providing the best education possible for the county as it and state (and nation) are in serious financial trouble. For years the two districts have had research meeting related to some form of solution or sort of sharing -- maybe Annexation. The two school boards have had many separate and combined meetings. This last fall, 2012, I beleive, the Noble board met with its public and more or less concluded that some form of blend or complete annexation of West to East was necesary.
No one is happy about it but good minds are trying to make the best of a sorry situation. In the Olney Daily Mail website last March 22, was a report of the March 8th meeting of the two districts. See the Olney Daily mail website for that report. Click on the following link.
Or, for a limited time, click on the following TAC link to read the same, complete report.
2. TAC progress toward an Recognized Alumni Organization
Last week Tom Weber, Olney Lawyer and member of the ERHS class of 1964, mailed me the federal 990 Income Tax form for non-profit organizations with its 30-Plus paged directions pages. Thank you, Tom! He is providing legal services pro bono. Now I have to understand it and attempt to complete the form, most likely with Tom's continue supervision of me -- along with my wife, Barb, who is more use to federal forms than I am.
I am sharing this step, in the long series of future ones, in the hopes that you will know we are working on establishing an offical, legal alumni organization. Some of you have kindly reported being most interested in helping by serving as future officers or board members. Let me know if you have not, if you too would be interested. For now I'd love to have the help of anyone, such as a CPA, who would volunteer to help me with this 990 form.
3. New TAC site pages
I have added some new and used pages to TAC, by used, I mean pages that were once available but taken down for one or another of reasons related to helping members navigate through TAC. Now with our improved Links system of navigation, we can easily find and enjoy many pages.
I have created two new pages, one by an unknown author, is a poem about Olney, "The History of Olney, Illinois." Click on the link if you'd like to see it.
Next, check out my memory to my Grandmother Keiger. It's up and ready for you entitled "I Remember Grandma."
"Livin', Lovin', and Laughin!!" -- I learned what was important from my poorly educated, simple Grandma!
Here's a link to it.
4. Our 2013 Scholarship Fund
We at TAC are very pleased that you members have donations $7,282. Last week Principal Chris Simpson emailed me with the news that the scholarship committee will be meeting soon. I am reporting this to you to let anyone who still wants to donate this year, that you still have time, if you hurry.
See the 2012 Scholarship page for information on contacting Mr. Simpson to do so. Thanks! Here's the link:
Happy Days!
April 6, 2013
March 7, 2013 -- Photo Gallery News
Been working on images last few weeks. That's true but it is an ongoing task,working on images for TAC. It also includes Stan's contibutions who has been editing recent class senior pictures. Thanks Stan!
But I'm reporting on my image work. I have added more senior pictures.
Class of 1938 Photo Gallery
Posted the ones of the Class of 1938 this last week. I also posted pictures from the 1938 Onean in the Photo Gallery. Some of you have relatives in that class. It was also the 25th year of Coach Van Cleve's career for the Olney schools. Coach Van Cleve surely remains the most 'winning' coach in all of Olney school history.
Here's a link to the album:
May Day Parade 1952
When Don Murphy, Class of 1962, asked me if I'd like some slides of the 1952 parade, I quickly said yes. His pictures were of the children in the second grade of Cherry Street. Check it out. See yourself? See someone you know? Trigger a memory? He also had one picture of the high school band.
Here's the link to that album:
February 16, 2013 -- Valentine's Week-End
Hello ‘Fellow’ Valentines!
- 1. Don’t forget we are looking for board members for our IL 501 ERHS Alumni Organization. Just let me know! I am so hoping we’ll add one each for the decade’s of the 70s, 80s, and 90s.
- 2. Thanks, Stan! Stan Gill, our secret volunteer senior picture worker, is still at it. I guess that’s an ‘open’ secret.
- 3. Thanks Ann! We love hosting the archives of your ‘Olney Memories.’
- 4. And too, Thanks Administrators! I love working with Nancy, Ann, Peg, Judy, and John. Our best to Judy: Sure hope you are feeling better!

- 1. The top ones do what they always did -- but now these links are displayed in an orange ban.
- 2. The side links, in the left-side navigation list, include both single and multi-layered link(s). The single ones operate by your clicking on them. Others in the navigation list respond both to a click and by the presences of your cursor waving above the link name. Those have an ‘arrow’ behind them. Go over them and you get a popup sub-menu with one or more additional links. Explore! Learn what’s where now. Be patient with the sublinks; at times, they work slowly for me.
- 3. Now you can get to more features of TAC and do so easily. I placed some popular, but secondary, features on sub-links. Again, explore.
- 4. A final note for today. The new menus are as new to us as to you. We may, most likely will, made adjustments from time to time. Thanks!

Great News -- January 25th
Hello 1166 Tigers!


- Three or more administrators, at least one each from the 1970's, 80's, and 90s. They are needed to replace us oldies who have health issues and who wish to see others carry on our goals of building a vibrant alumni organization. We're going to need officers for our coming alumni organization. Two members so far have expressed an interest.
- A museum online that would include the history of the Olney-area high school educational program, including sports and music achievements. John wants this very badly. And I do too.
- A TAC "Bank" of sorts. I mean a team with a fund to help current K-12 students who are in need. I'd love some of you to take the lead in this: get a team together, work with me and some school administrators, and begin to raise money. You can figure out the details. Currently I know some members who want to leave money in their wills for just such a program.
Happy January 2013
Hello Tigers!
- • We soon will be able to custom the tops of our pages. (What you see today is not what’s coming. I’m just playing with different ‘looks.’)
- • We soon will be able to edit, rank and order, our navigation list. Happy Days!
- • We soon will get a new ‘look’ to the class member profile pages.
- • Your administrators will soon have the option/power to present some or all of the general pages on the web, as we now do, and, also, on facebook. That’s coming! So those of us who love our facebook experience will be able to be on facebook and TAC at the same time.
- • Your administrators and you will have the option of having your profile only on TAC privately as is true now -- OR, you can have your TAC profile on facebook. But you will always control your privacy.

Happy New Year!
Barbara and Richard, Chicago, September, 2012
Happy New Year Tigers!
Barb and I wish you the best for 2013! Happy Days to you! We've enjoyed much joy in 2012, much of it related to the Tiger Alumni Center -- TAC -- and all its activities.
We've met many schoolmates and gotten to be friends with schoolmates from many different classes. We met you here at the TAC, in Texas this last year, and in Olney.
Below are some pictures of our life this last year. Some of the pictures are links to other pages; just click on them.
April, 2012
John Fitchey greets us in Spring, Texas, Regional TAC Reunion
John, Veterans Administrator for TAC, sponsored the Texas Reunion
Ann Weesner King and Richard Entertain us.
We were their House Guests during the Texas Reunion.
Ann is a key member of the TAC adminstrators.
Hiking in the Smokies
I enjoy Nature and spend time hiking in woods.
A Short Experience With Wind Blowing in my Face, Chicago
Barb's Chicago family treats me as another member.
Barbara, September, Chicago
Photo Taken in Cousin Nancy's Home
Richard, Nancy, Peggy, and Judy, TAC Reception, Olney
John and Ann couldn't make it.
Barbara, Marianne Houser, and Richard, Olney Reception
Barbara, Erik, and Zack, Christmas
End of 2012 PIctures
Again, Happy New Year!
Richard: rrw41@earthlink.net
Shopping in Senoia, Georgia
Beautiful Autumn Day, November 5th, 2011
Scene One: That morning; Me with Zack in our Lazy-Boy. When Barb asked to go shopping, I protested: "I've got too much to do to be your 'Driving-Miss-Daisy' Driver today! Then Barb said, "Let me paint you a picture." Sometimes I forget that she was once a successful and powerful Boss. She helped me to remember. Then my answer about taking her shopping, "Yes Dear!"
Next Scene: Senoia, Georgia: A lovely village about 15 miles south of our village of Tyrone. That's Barb, of course, heading across the street. The village now has about a dozen shops of items that almost no one ever really needs; But 'window-shoppers' like Barb love such places!
The locals love their town and others do too as the population doubled from 2000 to 2005 to 2010. It's still a village, but at one time it was within the top dozen largest towns in Georgia. Its history goes back to pre-European days, of course, when the Creek Indian Nation included most of western Geogria and western Florida in its territory.
The tribe killed their chief after he signed the 1825 treaty that created Coweta County (Creek for the 'Land with Water Falls'). (Seeing the town, I can understand.) Soon after that was one of many of Georgia's 'land lotteries' and the area that became Senioa was settled by several dozen families from South Carolina, coming by horse, oxen, and foot. Soon two railroads crossed the town and what with successful cotton and peaches, life was good.
South Main Street, Senioa. And so I grabbed my camera, knowing I could amuse myself fooling around with images while Barb shopped. And the weather was perfect: Lovely Southern Autumn Day.
One of the many Red Maples lining Main Street.
We walked in a furniture store first. This store is very successful drawing customers from the area including greater Atlanta. I had to look twice at this bedroom scene. See the ceramic dog?
One building window, of a local radio station, included this image of 'Bubba.' The name of the radio station is "The Babba Bear."
The Table Talk Store. Oh, Boy! Barb's favorite type of store: Christmas!
She looked at Christmas decoration items; I looked for amusement!
Like this mat by the toliet.
And this Tiffany-Like Lamp shade
And these clocks.
In a little while, certainly not because I almost topplied a crystal lamp, we moved on down the street.
And then Barb saw a snowman! She collects them! OMG! I'm a goner!
I tried to distract her, pointing out the local architecture and the history of the place!
Maybe my distraction worked. Maybe she just didn't want to pay that much.
See the white things on this Christmas tree? That's cotton!
I keep seeing these plates. They are of the many TV programs and moves that have been filmed here.
In time, we crossed the street and began looking in the stores on that side. Of course we had to check out a place with linens and lace and glassware and . . .
. . . Burlap, of all things! I shot a tree image on the side of this shopping bag. Burlap is back and big, don't you know! I got so bored I started telling Grandmother Kiger stores, like how, when she was pulling weeds out of her garden, she wore burlap dresses with no underware and how she killed chickens by ringing their necks. No kidding! Scared me when I was a kid! We left soon.
After we left the burlap shop, Barb suggested that I should go do my photography on my own and join her in an hour. I don't know which of us was more pleased.
Anyway, I joined her later and we walked back to our car which was parked behind Main Street on in a Public Parking lot. The picture below is of the pathway to the lot.
And that was how I spent my Saturday in Historic Senioa with Barbara! In time, she will want to go again. It's been a week now and she's beginning to talk about shopping in Historic Madison, Georgia. I smiled and said "Sure-enough! Lets wait until we get new tires on the car!" Oh, we will go; it's just a matter of time. And I'll enjoy my photograpy -- and join her later.
Fourth of July -- Independence Day
Hello Tigers! Barb and I now live in the same town as family members and have for the last five years. But before that we lived alone, hundreds of miles away from family. When we moved here, Tyrone, GA., August, 2006, we moved in a neighborhood that put us within a few blocks of Barb's brother, Jim, Class of 1967, and all his children, our nephews and niece.
Soon, we got to sharing the hosting of family parties for the holidays. We selected the Fourth as one of ours as, well, we had a pool! So we always do a major, late Spring cleaning of the house and grounds and decorate for the Fourth! Look carefully; maybe you'll see my buddy, Zack, at the door.
Barb adding finishing touches to her cupcakes.
Barb's Brother Jack Olson and his wife Jean -- Both of ERHS Class of 1965
Above is a view from the back porch, obviously, looking out to the pool.
Here's Jack (foreground) and Barb's brother-in-law Jeff, both in the water fight.
Here's a picture of brother-in-law, Jim (1967) on the right. His wife Cindy is being a good sport and getting into the mix of a water fight.
And here's son Erik who has invented a type of water gun.
And great niece, Rory, who got a big kick out of her water balloons.
I man the grill with Zack assisting.
After the first 'swimming' session, we feed everyone. Son Erik is on the left and his Uncle Jim (1967), the right. No pictures of me or Barb as we're busy cooking, I'm at the grill and she's inside with the fruit and potatoes. Later, we all enjoy sharing memories. I'll break out my projector and throw old pictures on the screen. Happy time!
Everyone came, over 22 in all, and we enjoy visiting.
On Being A Father
The View from Age 69
I woke up gradually this morning, in the middle of a dream. In the dream I was teaching – which is the form my dreams have taken for years. But in this dream, I was in and out of several scenes that ran separately, and, at times, together, becoming one. On some levels, I was teaching surrounded by kids. On another level, I seemed to be a dad, in a very vague, foggy area. In all, I was sitting on the floor or ground surrounded by youth, likewise sitting. Some areas included my son and the others include a dozen or so past students, or Boy Scouts out on an camping adventure, or third-graders visiting the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, where I was a volunteer art teacher.
A father by definition is one whose job, hopefully, passion, is that of raising Youth. And if I get the scenes mixed up it’s because the bulk of my adult time has been with students. They now live in my memory as good young people and in reality many are now good friends who visit via emails. I have enjoyed a good life with loving family members and friends and with students of good will. Love. (I’ll get these scenes connected soon I think.)
Love? The word somehow caused me to have a flashback. Do you know the play, "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder? Late in the play, in one scene a character asks another, "Do they really understand life?" The other one replies, "rarely." The two are in a graveyard near a new grave with mourners gathering around a newly lost loved one, a young woman named Emily.
I taught and produced the play for my students of Rockville High School, Spring, 1965. (I’ve got some pictures of the cast on one of my sites, facebook, I think.)
Fatherhood is a position of love. And just as the position is open to many interpretations, so too is the emotion of love. And Father’s Day is a day to think of these things.
During my lifetime, “Father’s Day” was a day for my dad and Barbara’s father, Harry Olson. I was a father, too, and some of the day was spent with me; but just as commonly we drove somewhere to visit one or both of our fathers. We celebrated their lives, their fatherhood. But this morning, in a semi-conscious state, I was “dreaming” about my fatherhood.
And, I'm sure only that I was sitting with youth. And as such, I could have been sharing a scene out of a novel with my h.s. or college students, or a Nature scene for Scouts, or a museum painting for art visitors. What’s common is the general process. In any of them, I’m trying to get kids to use their brains. That’s what leaders do. That’s what teachers, male or female, do. And fathers? Of Course!
I’ve been a “modern” father, that is, a teacher and not a protector as the former was essential and the latter has been rarely needed.
And so in my vague dream surroundings I’m using a process that I used over and over. First, after getting their attention on the subject, I ask them to report what they see (not think) so as another person can visualize the represented environment. I let them take turns telling us about elements in the "landscape." If they are Scouts, then the scene may be a woodland with different trees. If museum visitors, then the scene’s in a painting. When I think they’re ready, I ask them to be emotional and to share any story they connect with the scene. Finally, I ask them to conclude, hoping that they can see a life value.
So my fatherhood, from the 1960’s to 1997 (when I left my college) and from 1997 to 2005 (when I left the museum) has been one when I’ve been in a teaching role. I now mostly confuse the two. Our son, Erik, is now getting into his forties and is a father himself. He rarely needs me. He kindly listens to my stories (I try never to ask him to think anymore).
What caused this dream this morning? Maybe I’m realizing I have a new role of fatherhood. I am now 69 years old and have no students whatsoever. I don’t teach anywhere and I’m no longer a Scout leader. What am I?
What’s my role now? I think my dream and my question are very related. Okay, first a story. (I’ll change the subject to give me time to think.) The story? A young swimmingpool serviceman returned this last week with a pump motor that had been fixed. At one point he looked up at us, Barb, Erik, and me, and reported, “You know, the man who repaired your motor is 92-years old.” He went on to say that the man loved messing with motors. It was a passion and kept his brain active. That’s my sideline story.
So what’s my new role? I’m sure it will come to me. I’ll find it. Maybe, you, my schoolmates will help me. Come, let us grow old together. We’ve got new worlds to discover! (I know. I’m stealing someone’s quotation. But it seems so true!)
Richard Williams
June 19, 2011