2018 Drive Current Totals

Current Totals

(Donations are welcome year-round)


Over the Top!


April 17, 2018 Total:


Thank You, Schoolmates!



100% of your Scholarship Donations goes to Recipients.  After we meet our goal, any extra funding will be applied to the 2019 Drive.



Current Contributors! 


 Tigers First Level:  $5  to  $99  


Robert (Joe) Hixon - Class of  1944

Jerry Quick  --  Class of 1959

Judy K. L Michels Lawrence -- Class of 1960

Ann Weesner (King) (with Husband Richard) -- Class of 1960

Marvin Doolin  -- Class of 1962

Mary (Maidi Fye) Gard -- Class of 1962

Ron Scherer -- Class of 1962

Susan (Wall) Martin -- Class of 1964

Edward Runyon - Class of 1964

Phillip Edmiston  -- Class of  1965

Roderick Everette -- Class of 1965

Fred Moehle -- Class of 1965

Margot Shumaker (Steinhart)  -- Class of 1965

(In memory of  Arrah Jean Shumaker)

Marcella (Cummins) Zorn -- Class of  1965

Lane (Arnold) Stewart -- Class of 1966

Larry Miller -- Class of  1967

Janet (Weiler) Jones -- Class of 1970

Jeff (1973) & Jean (Wimer) Dickerson -- Class of 1974

Rebecca (Coan) Davis -- Class of  1977

Jennifer (Jensen) Gregory -- Class of  1977

Sonja (Music) Rosborough -- Class of 1990

Lori (Uhl) Grove -- Class of 1990

Krista (Gorden) Nealis -- Class of  1992

Jennifer (Tedford) Redman  -- Class of 1992


 Tigers Den Level: $100  to  $299 

Ted Ratcliffe  --  Class of 1956

ERHS -- Class of 1957

Vernon (class of '57) and Linda (Hawkins-class of '58) Gross

Judy (Murray) McKinney -- Class of  1957

(In honor of Sean McKinney -- Class of 1980)

Phyllis (Hahn) Rusk -- Class of 1958

Wayne Neeley  -- Class of  1960

Kathryn (Robinett) Haenggi  -- Class of 1961

Angela (Parson) Myers -- Class of  1961

Howard Brockman Jr. --  Class of 1962

Everett Schwartz  --  Class of 1962

(Everett donates monthly)

Peter C. Weber -- Class of 1963

Garry Bowman -- Class of 1964

Janas (Roberts) Burton -- Class of 1964

Beverly (Anderson) - (Jeanie) Drake -- Class of 1964

James Pass -- Class of  1964

Michael Stiff -- Class of 1964

Tom L. Weber -- Class of 1964

Dee (Witsman) Carlton --   Class of  1965

Steve Pass – Class of 1965

Jim McIntyre -- Class of 1966

Robert (class of '68) & Carol (Ostrander-class of '69) Pittman

ERHS Class of 1975

Sheryl (Brown) Anderson - Class of 1977

Mary (Noerenberg) Cummings -- Class of 1970

Janet (McKinney) Everette -- Class of 1977

Brenda Stallard --  Vice President, Tiger Pride Alumni Association


 Tigers Roar Level:  $300  to  $499 


Frank Wagner -- Class of 1965

Gary Goranflo --  Class of 1967

Raj Natarajan -- Class of 1991

Misty (Yonaka) Melton -- Class of 1995


 Tigers Pride Level:  $500  to  $999 


Claud Sanders (in memory of Joann Bostic Sanders, class of '53)

Sherrill (Beehn) Simms -- Class of 1958

Rebecca Nightingale Roth -- Class of 1959

Sam Keiffer - Class of 1960

Judy (Fritschle) Smith 1959 & Clarence "Smitty" Smith 1960

Charlotte (Roberts) Bruce (class of '62) & Terry Bruce - 1962

ERHS Class of 1975

Sharon Hobart -- (Class of 1977)

(Sharon match donations from her class up to an additional $500)

Maura (Kelley) Voyles (class of '78) in memory of Jim Kelley


 Tigers Country Level:  $1,000  and  Up 


Bob Lemke, Ready Cable, Inc.  --  Class of 1960

(Mr. Lemke is TPAA's Founding Corporate Sponsor)

Judy (Atkins) Hughes - Class of  1962

Anonymous - Class of 1965


   Thank You Very Much!