Greetings 2,206 TAC’ers!
Time to think about retiring. For about a year now I’ve felt I need to retire from my volunteer work. I needed a way to replace me. Currently, I do comparatively little for The Tiger Alumni Center (TAC) and the Tiger Pride Alumni Association (TPAA). Once, I was on task weekly -- sometimes nightly. Now thinking about it tires me.
Fortunately, TPAA officers came up with a solution.
My Changing life
Read “Transition: Three Conditions” below to understand my being ready to ‘retire’ from my services.
An Invitation to Discuss Changes
Last summer, Barb and I decided we were going to travel to Illinois both for her to attend her class’s 60th reunion and for us to visit family and friends in both Illinois and Indiana. That given, when retiring president of TPAA, Lisa Hemrich emailed me if I could meet with TPAA officers to discuss “improving our working relationships," I agreed. In her emails to me, she reported that the newly-elected TPAA officers wanted to meet.
I remembered that in the autumn before, 2021, Lisa in one phone conference with me had questioned what I thought of TPAA taking over TAC. I wasn't ready for that discussion.
Then, this last summer, I was not aware how much I was ready to retire -- or to be blunt -- give up the sister charities. Remember, with help, I founded both TAC and TPAA: they were my 'donation' to my hometown -- not as good as the gifts of my Grandfather Williams -- but a good contribution.

The September Meeting
In Olney Barbara and I were sitting in the restaurant, “HV”, early for the meeting, visiting with Nancy Rumsey, my co-leader of TAC. I had wanted her to participate in this key meeting.
On time, we were joined by
Lisa Hemrich, retiring TPAA Director, 9 years;
President, for most of them.
Janet Everette, retiring TPAA Director, 9 years;
Treasurer, for all.

Sonja Music, TPAA Director, 2 years;
New TPAA Treasure and TAC Volunteer
Nancy Rumsey, current co-leader of TAC
Since 2012, TAC "In Memory" Director
The mood of the group was very pleasant; I personally was happy to have the meeting for several reasons, a key one being that Barbara and I got to meet Sonja Music who has provided local leadership helping me accomplish tasks, such as her helping me with some details/tasks related to our last several scholarship drives. She’s a Doer! She’s a happy person! Whatever my future role with TAC, I will continue to enjoy working with her! And I will have great opportunity as she’s accepted dual responsibilities, serving as an officer on both TPAA and TAC.
Meeting Results.
I agreed, welcomed, both Sonja and Lisa as new administrators for TAC. (Lisa actually already is a TAC administrator, having become one last winter to provide the leadership for the 2021 scholarship drve.)
We agreed to do preliminary research to determine if we can transfer TAC to TPAA. If so, then we will determine conditions of that move.
Most likely, we’re in a transition period -- to TAC and TPAA becoming one - and TPAA owning TAC.

“Transition: Three Conditions”
Let me share three conditions.
First, I am very pleased with the volunteers that will continue my goals of service; meaning my service can be assumed by very capable others.
Second, in part, I’m pleased with my busy ‘retired’ life in our new ‘life’ in Peachtree City, much of that being my joy of serving the village as a librarian. My library duties result in my getting to know many locals who love their library. I am having fun five hours a day, four days a week, behind the circulation desk. You might be surprised to learn how many of our patrons visit their library so often that I know what they like to read. I can even anticipate their requests by researching titles I think they would like.
Third, as very aging seniors, Barb and I need a team of doctors to ‘maintain’ our bodies -- and that means we have some medical- related needs monthly and multiple doctor appointments almost monthly, at least one for each of us. Both Barb and I have health issues, her more so than I. We are just old.

To Stress A Key Point
If the TPAA acts to accept TAC, I can retire with satisfaction as I know we have great volunteers who have the talent and motivation to keep both services alive and well, without me. Trust me, such a condition is rare. Some other alumni website owners I know have no replacement. I do.
Beginning of the End.
You may notice nothing obvious for a few months, as the TPAA officers must process the acceptance / ownship of TAC, but come the 2022 scholarship drive, you should. I hope to be helping in sthe background. Come next September with a new school year, I may be history except for occasional essays on a subjects I enjoy sharing.
Happy Days!
Richard and Barbara