2024 Total Donations
2024 Scholarship Drive
May 9, 2024 Total: $25,309.82 Thank You, Tiger Pride Alumni!
100% of your Scholarship Donations goes to Recipients
(Note: The total figure above, $4,307.54 is carry-over from the 2023 drive.)
Current Contributors!
Tigers First Level: $5 to $99
Fred Moehle (Class of 1965)
Class of 1977, in memory of Eric Trost (Class of 1977) & Jana Bunn Rigg (Class of 1977)
Laney (Arnold) Stewart (Class of 1966)
Gary Moore (Class of 1965)
Janet Jones (Class of 1964)
Mona Kocher (Class of 1985)
Marvin Doolin (Class of 1962)
Tigers Den Level: $100 to $299
Michael Stiff (Class of 1964)
First Presbyterian Church
Class of 1960
Margot Steinhart (Class of 1965), in memory of Arrah Jean Shumaker (Teacher)
Roderick & Sara Everette (Class of 1965)
Steve Pass (Class of 1965)
Marcella Cummins-Zorn (Class of 1965)
Kathryn (Haenggi) Robinett (Class of 1961)
Patricia (Squires) McNeece (Class of 1964)
Christy Bishop (Class of 1987)
Larry Miller (Class of 1967 & Administration)
Sarah (Weber) Burns (Class of 1996)
Angela (Parson) Myers (Class of 1961)
Robert (Class of 1968) & Carol (Ostrander) Pittman (Class of 1969)
Mike (Class of 1987) & Lori Uhl (Class of 1990)
Pat (Class of 1976) & Janet Everette (Class of 1977)
Janas (Roberts) Burton (Class of 1964)
Wayne Neeley (Class of 1960)
Tigers Roar Level: $300 to $999
Brad & Maura (Kelley) Voyles (Class of 1978), in memory of Jim Kelley (Class of 1986)
Ray (Class of 1975) & Marcia (Graves) Vaughn (Class of 1977)
James Pass (Class of 1964)
Julia Smith, in memory of Clarence Smith (Class of 1960 & Tiger Pride Alumni Director)
John & Carol Stull (Class of 1970)
Frank Wagner (Class of 1965)
Anonymous (Class of 1958)
Tigers Pride Level: $1,000 to $4,999
In Memory of Howard Brockman (Class of 1962) & Helen (Brockman) Day (Class of 1934)
Class of 1963
Richland County Community Unit School District #1 Employees
Anonymous Donors
Corporate Level: $5,000 and Up
Ready Cable, Inc. (in memory of Robert Lemke, Class of 1960)