School Daze Directions
Remembering our "Early" Teachers!
Teachers: Main Characters in Our School Daze Memories.
See the School List Below.
At the suggestion of some of our alumni, we are creating this new (January 2018) section of TAC. This page welcomes you and serves as both an guide and navation page. Here, too, you will see a list of all the grade schools that our TAC members have requested to be included as they were the ones where their grade school teachers taught. Click on the name of the school.
You know What to do!
Clinking on the name of a school below lands you at a page in the section for that school. You will see a chart listing all teachers and key staff members that TAC members have already shared. That chart will change as time goes by as other TAC members offer additional teacher names and information. Too, hopefully, in time, you will enjoy seeing pictures and reading stories about the happy days enjoyed, and offered, by those who once were students there.
We welcome your input by providing your teacher(s) information. If you can offer as much help as possible: first and last of the teacher/ staff, school name, subject(s) taught, grade level(s) and decade of your attendance. To submit your information, please submit by using TAC's "contact us" link. Thank you, Nancy Rumsey and Richard Williams
Use the slider to see more information shared below the navigation list.
Click on the name of the school to visit it.
(If the name is blue, then the link is active)
Richland County Middle School (RCMS)
East Richland Junior High School (ERJH)
More schools to be included soon!
The key focus of the current pages and sections of the "School Daze Memories" section is that of those schools and teachers in the 1940s and 1950s.
In time we will want the names of RCES teachers of you TAC members who attended there in the 1990s and later.
And you district employees someday will be adding names of employees to a chart of those who served with you.
This section of TAC is designed to be able to grow as we discover more memories! I know now of at least three more schools to add.
I really could use some help. Well, lots of help. What can you do? Share knowledge! Got a great memory that includes one or more of your elementary grade school teacher or junior high teacher? Share it! Let us all read it. Got pictures you think TAC members would like to see? Email such to me! Want to see us add a district empoyee? Let us know. For example, during our 2015 Lifetime Achievement Ceremony, we honored Lee Grubb, member of the Class of 1948 Olney Area High School and a lifetime district maintenance worker. Click on Lee Grubb.
January 21, 2018