Richard's Second 2017 Blast
Greeting 1,818 Tigers!
I am pleased to share with you a statement by RCHS Principal Chad LeCrone in support of TAC/Tiger Pride Alumni Association’s 2017 RCHS Scholarship Drive. He writes . . .
"The TAC/TPAA directors, members, and donors have been instrumental in providing many of our high school students with scholarships to help them fulfill their post-secondary education goals. It is great to see the alumni give back to the high school that played a major part in their own personal development. I look forward to Richland County High School's continued partnership with the TAC/TPAA in order to serve our students."
Chad LeCrone, Principal -- Richland County High School, Olney, Illinois
Given the season, wouldn’t a donation to the drive be a very appropriate Christmas gift? You would be making an investment in both a graduating senior’s future as well as ours. If we can help our future citizens, aren’t we also helping ourselves? I think so. Maybe you can’t do that this month. That’s okay. The drive will last until mid-March. You have time!
Our 2017 Goal! -- $1,000 for 20 Graduates
Your participation is welcomed and needed. Please help us fund 20 scholarships!
To Donate!
Please Mail Checks to
Janet Everette, Treasurer, TPAA
906 East Cherry Street
Olney, IL. 62450
Please make your check out to Tiger Pride Alumni Association
Remember: the Tiger Pride Alumni Association, Ltd., is a charitable, tax-exempt, 501(c)3 organization.
Please be sure Janet knows the donor's name(s), the return mail address, and any special requests. Some donors request anonymity. Some wish their gift, when posted on TAC, include an honor of someone special. Some request that a challenge to classmates to donate be included.
For more information, such as the selection of recipients, click on TAC's 2017 scholarship page or Janet's image above.
To review the scholarship pages on our website Tiger Pride Alumni Association, click on its name or on the image below.
If you would like to read the letter of Chris Simpson, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, who reviewed our past connection, you can do so by clicking on his name or picture above. In his letter, he encourages all to contribute to the drive.
I’m going to take a break now and will rejoin you at the end of the month. The Tiger Alumni Center, as you know, welcomes all alumni and wishes the joy of the season to each of you!
Happy Days!