Negotations: Free $ for Asking





Money for the Asking Negotiations For Life

By ERHS Schoolmate, Will David Mitchell, Class of 1958



"Free Money for the Asking!"  -- "What an audacious title", writes David.  "Free Money" implies money that is yours for the asking.  Well, Isn't that the whole premise of negotations?  

"When you negotiate, someone gives and someone gets.  It's free, except for a little time spent.  Moreover, it's free for the asking."



So opens our schoolmate, David Mitchell, Class of 1958, in his book that he's going to share with us at the Tiger Alumni Center!

We, TAC team members,  are very pleased that in the coming weeks and months you'll enjoy this interesting book.

David is excited to share with you -- to me, he said, he'd enjoy learning from you: "learning more than I impart, I expect.".  I promise you, you will be both informed and entertained.  (Richard, May 4, 2013)

You will be able to meet David (or  get reunited with him) here in scheduled chat sessions. 


David's Book here at TAC

Click on the section below.  


Introduction Purpose Dedication Important Definitions
Principles Gambits    



If you would like to read David's life story on his profile or contact him,  here's a link to his profile --