Olney Reception

Tiger Alumni Center

Olney Reception  --  September 2012



Hello Tigers!

If you are a 'fan' of TAC, you'd have loved to be with us at our Olney Reception!  We had a 'full-house' for over two hours! Not all signed our register, but over 50 did.   You would have been right at home!  You'd love talking to alumni friends who ranged from classmates of 1936 to 1972.   We met in the Olney Holiday's Conference Room with the compliments of Julie.  Thanks Julie!


My wife Barb took the above picture of me with your SUPER TAC administrators Nancy (Huchel)  Rumsey (1966), Peggy Wilburn Long (55), and Judy Hill Walker (64).  

John Fritchey (61) and Ann Weesner King (60) wanted to be with us and regretted they could not.  Same with Stan Gill who was an excellent administrator last year.



The pictues here, above and below, give you something of the sense of our crowd.   At times we were so crowded we could hardly move!  Most of our guests were alumni enjoying reunions over the week-end, classes of the 1950's and 1960's.



Some members of the Class of 1952 are shown seated below.  I know the schoolmate on the far left, foreground, is Corky Wynn (52),  He told me that he was related to our TAC Tiger Quilt artist Mary Alice Resor Hart, an uncle I think.   The third person from the left is Virginia Rath Resor (58), I think.  She, too, was very pround of Mary Alice, spending time looking at our tiger.  

The lady at the far end is Naoma Walden (47).  She doesn't have email but would like us to have a printed newsletter.  If we start one, I want to name it "The New Tiger Rag."  Want to be the editor, anyone?

The man on the far right is Larry Tennyson (52).He and I have shared a few emails.  Sorry can't name the others.


Below retired ERHS principal Mr. Rumsey and Rev.Tom Eggley (62) enjoy visiting.



A Star of the reception was TAC Tiger of the quilt created by Mary Alice Resor Hart.  Here you see two ladies getting up close examining it.  That happened over and over.  TAC administrator Judy Hill Walker (64) is talking to a guest off camera.




Quests really enjoyed looking at the 'Old' Olneans on the table.  Thanks Dick King (57) and Jean Chandler (57) for sharing.  Jean gave a stack of Olneans to TAC.    



For over two hours we all enjoyed being with classmates and schoolmates!  Below I am photographed with three wonderful ladies.  On both ends are sisters, on the left, Helen Jenner Mehmert (Bauman) (40) and on the far right, Herma Belle Jenner (Dycus) (36).   I was so happy to see them again -- both attended our last April Texas all-classes reunion. 

I'm also very pleased to see Herma's daughter again,  Nancy Dycus (Bowles) (67) on my left (your right).  Herma and Nancy are one of many Mom-Daughter Duos who are members of TAC.




Jean Blackburn Chandler (57), below, enjoyed visiting with the sisters Helen and Herma.  Jean chaired a great reunion for her class of 1957 over the week-end!


Pat Barnes Van Matre (56), below, smiles at me in reaction to the 'stories' the men are spinning!  Behind her from the left are Dick King (67), Vernon Gross (57) and Frank Van Matre (54).  I had several laughing visits with the men too!


Marianne Houser (51) stands between Barb and me.  She was my babysitter of sixty years ago (a baby, I have no memory of that)!  Later she was secretary for ten years to Harry Olson, Barb's father.   This joy of meeting again, connecting, speaks to the goal of the Tiger Alumni Center -- erhsalumni.net


More joy!  Nancy and George Rumsey!


More supporters of TAC!  Marvin (62) and Joanne Doolin!


Don Scherer (54), whom we met at our Texas all-classes reunion, enjoyed visiting with TAC administrator Peggy Wilburn Long (55).  Both came a long ways to enjoy the week-end.



Roy Miller, Class of 52, visited with us and promised to send us picures of the Class of 52's 60th reunion.  And he did.  See the photo grallery.



Good friends, Class of 1960, Clarence 'Smitty' Smith and Sharon Street Burt smile.  It certainly was a week-end of smiles!


Come back from time to time.  I am in hopes of sharing pictures taken by others at the reception.  Oh, I can report that TAC plans to be back in Olney next September. We've reserved space at the Olney Holiday!

A Week-End of Smiles, Chatter and Laughter
When we were planning the reception, we were also planning to enjoy Barb's 50th reunion.  Additionally, I had been working with all the reunion planning committees for months and hoped to visit all of them.  A tall order -- running around catching 7 reunions!  I did it.  Got to speak to some of their classmates about TAC, membership and our scholarships.  Lots of smiles!  Fun promoting the Fund!
I also had hoped to have several key meetings while in Olney.  And I did.  I met with Superintendent Holt and Principal Simpson Friday morning.    We three enjoyed a most productive meeting about our future together.
   Spieth's Photography!  
Thanks to Nancy Rumsey who arranged the meeting, I got to meet Mary Lou and Mike last Friday afternoon (Sept 29th) and a wonderful meeting it was!   They give us a release to use their images  -- and to year 2050!
Also, they are considering plans to share with us a copy of each senior picture of future ERHS senior classes!  Such a gift would be a joy of such a magnitude I can’t register it!  We would not only save hours of copy work; we would also have images of the highest quality  -- far superior to the ones we copy out of Olneans. 
Thank you, Mary Lou and Mike!
In additon to the nights of the reunions, another great night I enjoyed in Olney was a dinner with Sharon and Barb at the Olde Tyme Steakhaus.  I got to meet owner Penny Schuetz (Densmore), Class of 78.  
Penny and I have begun a discussion of all-classes reunions.   She shares my interest.  We would love to host many in the future.  She reported that she'd be very pleased to host them at the Olde Tyme.  Someday, I will add this meeting with Penny as one of the most important ones as well as the two above.   More later!
With the reception a success and the meetings being so successful and the reunions so much fun  -- how could anyone not leave Olney, heading for home, so very Happy?  Well, I was!  
But, I had another reason to be overjoyed!  During the week-end we got an offer for the TAC Tiger.  That's right!  We got a wonderful donation for it.  And as I left town, I was heading to a meeting to give it to the new owner and receive the check!  Want to see who got it?  Of course you do!  Click on the tiger!
Thanks Alumni!
TAC Reception: Saturday, 29th!
Olney Holiday, Saturday, 11 to 1, Conference Room
All ERHS Faculty, Adm. and Past Students Welcome!
Hello Tigers!
Visit Nancy, Peggy, Judy and Richard for a chat and check out other visiting alumni!  Ours will be the place to meet and greet schoolmates in Olney for reunions or Olneans coming in to visit with their classmates. 
And enjoy visiting with our very special guest:
Special Guest!
Mr. George Rumsey (Principal 1966-1987)
Mr. Rumsey has kindly accepted our offer to join us Saturday! So all you Grads from 1966 to 1987 will want to drop by and reminisce!
Special Attraction!
Come see our logo Tiger!  Mary Alice Resor Hart (1960) has shipped to us our Tiger! Hers is an award-winning, wall-hanging art quilt designed just for us.  You've seen its picture; now you can see the original displayed in the Olney Holiday Conference Room, Saturday, Sept. 29th.